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We are . .

. . a congregation: which is authentic, warm and down-to-earth, which seeks to live for Christ, which seeks to reach out in love, of small groups, where messages are biblical and practical, where people can question and disagree, where people laugh and have fun, which is not perfect.

White Lily

our session

Contact Session Members by emailing

Children's Ministry - Christine Hunter

Mission - Mary Kay Rolwes

Nominating - Chris Cheathem

Personnel - Tom Hansen

Stewardship - Terri Echegoyen

Youth - Evan Durrant

Clerk of Session - Heather Clemons

our staff


Our Presbyterian Heritage

What are Presbyterians? Mainly, we believe in the sovereignty of God, the authority of scripture, justification by grace through faith and the priesthood of all believers. So how are we different from other Christians? Basically, we're not. But we have a history of reformed theology and a way of governance that we have shared with other believers around the world since the early 1500s.

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